What is Current Abortion Law in Colorado?
Every woman has the right to choose where, when, and with whom she will engage in activity that could result in the creation of a child. If it is not her choice to engage in such activity, she may report sexual assault and bring the perpetrator to justice.
A pregnant mother has the right to carry her child to birth. It is illegal for anyone to coerce or force a pregnant mother to abort her child. If a woman is afraid someone may take her to an abortion clinic against her will, she can keep with her a signed letter - handwritten by herself or from an attorney (or with the help of a pregnancy center) - threatening to sue the abortionist if they proceed. The form explicitly states that she does not consent to an abortion. The abortion clinic should allow her to leave separately from her abuser.
Preborn children have no rights in the state of Colorado, We have some of the most notorious butchers of human beings in the world here in Colorado. There are no reporting or safety requirements for abortion clinics like there are for legitimate health facilities. Abortion facilities are not able to provide emergency care if the mother goes into shock, starts hemmorhaging, or goes into cardiac arrest. For emergency care, the mother would need to be transported to the nearest emergency room to stabilize and care for her. Abortion clinics only perform elective abortions and do nothing to improve the health of the mother. ​
Unlike legitimate medical procedures, abortionists are not required to provide informed consent or offer less invasive or healthier options. And they do not have to report deaths or complications. Abortionists do not have to tell the woman the age or development of her child, show her an ultrasound of her child, tell her the procedure she is consenting to, warn her that she may see her child, in pieces or in whole, or warn her of the physical risks and psychological damage that may result from her decision. Abortionists do not inform pregnant mothers of other options, such as pregnancy care centers and modern adoption agencies. Once a woman has paid for an abortion, there is typically no refund. Anesthesia for the mother is usually optional, though valium may be given in the waiting room. The children being pulled apart or poisoned do not receive anesthesia during their untimely deaths.
It is legal for a minor to receive an abortion in Colorado without informing her parents. Parents may not be given a copy of their child's medical record. It is legal for the legislature to tax citizens of Colorado to pay for abortions.
The abortionist is paid to kill the child (or children), which he or she may do by any means. There is no justice in Colorado for preborn children targeted by gunshot or killed by vehicular homicide. The state of Colorado specifically excludes children who are not yet born from any protections against murder or homicide statutes that protect their older brothers and sisters. There are no laws requiring proper burial. There are no laws preventing the organs of these children from being extracted while they are still alive.
The blood of our children cries from the ground and the spiritual atmosphere of our state reflects our direct rebellion against God and assault on His image bearers because of our idolatry and child sacrifice. When given the opportunity, we have been unwilling to bring down the high places and end child sacrifice in our state.
We are praying and working to end child sacrifice in our state because every child deserves a birthday and every child is worth saving.
HB22-1279, Reproductive Health Equity Act: Concerning the codification of a person's fundamental right to make reproductive health-care decisions free from government interference. 2022 Regular Session.
Amendment 79: Constitutional Right to Abortion, 2024.