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Twenty Questions

Because it is always the right time to do the right thing ...


1.  What is the purpose of this initiative?


The purpose of this initiative is to protect children and their mothers - also affecting families and our society - from the devastating effects of killing children any time prior to, during, or after birth. 


2. What does the initiative do?


Because it is never in a mother's best interest to kill her child, and medically we can and should always try to save lives wherever possible, this Initiative eliminates surgically and chemically killing children, and mothers can get the helps that they need.


3. What about rape?


Every woman has a right to choose where, when, and with whom to engage in the activities leading to the creation of a child, and if she doesn't, men need to be held accountable and women need access to a safe place to get the help that they need. Killing a child does not undo sexual assault, it only further assaults a woman and violates her child.


Our intent is to protect women from the exploitation of sex traffickers, rapists, and those profiting off a woman's immediate circumstances while protecting children from the moment a child is conceived. It is our hope to help women get away from abusers and not be revictimized. This initiative elevates all innocent children with equal protection and brings dignity to women. 


4. What about the needs of women?


A woman should never feel that her only alternative is to sacrifice the life of her child. Men don't sacrifice being a father to reach for their dreams; women can be mothers and reach for our dreams, too! We can enjoy our children and a career! There are many organizations helping meet the immediate needs of mothers and children. Women are not helped by killing our children at any age or stage of development. We are too developed of a society to condone child sacrifice.


There are thousands of couples wanting to adopt, if raising a child is not what a mother wants for herself. But most women want their children, they are just in a difficult circumstance and need immediate help. By meeting women's needs where they are we eliminate the myth that women have to be able to kill their children in order to reach their full potential. Women and children can reach their highest potential together, and without sacrificing one for the other.


5. Why this initiative?


Currently in Colorado, more than twenty-four thousand children are killed legally every year by poison and dismemberment through birth. That's more than two thousand healthy children whose lives are taken away! This initiative makes it legal to protect these children. All adults enjoy full protections under the law. So should every child. This initiative gives all children equal protection regardless of age or level of development. Children need protection of the law until they can grow up and protect and speak for themselves. Every child deserves a birthday. 


6.  What is the current law?


Children can be legally killed through birth in Colorado by any means, including gunshot and vehicular homicide. The way we've approached the prolife issue for the past 56+ years has left us with one of the most liberal laws for killing children in the United States and the world. There are only six countries in the world killing children like we do in Colorado. State politicians seem so proud of what shames us! And we use the excuse that we do it because it helps women. But killing children doesn't help women. It adds to the hardship and grief of losing a child.


Billions of dollars have been spent on catchy slogans to convince us we need to be able to kill children and it's all about women. When it is actually all about money and needless shedding of innocent blood. Women are being raped of their children for profit. 


7. Who may join the efforts?


We have enlisted the advice of some top attorneys as well as citizens involved in past initiatives and are inviting organizations and individuals across the state to unify on behalf of children. We invite anyone who would like to eliminate the killing of innocent children in Colorado to join us in prayer, petition, and helping others support this effort to protect all children before, during, and after birth.​


Our goal is to mobilize churchgoers to pray, educate, and mobilize communities to carry out God's expressed will For Life! We welcome anyone serious about ending abortion in our state. We hope to unify all who care about all lives of children. 


8. Why are there no exceptions? 


Because the initiative instructs to protect all lives, there is no need for exceptions.  While all attempts may not be successful, medical doctors should protect lives and not purposefully destroy anyone's life. As long as a doctor is attempting to save lives, doctors are able to provide every life-saving care to mothers and children. This initiative legally protects children from being dismembered or poisoned and does not affect a naturally occurring miscarriage or loss of life in the process of trying to save lives. 


9. Do women need abortion?


It is a myth that purposefully taking the life of a child through suction, dismemberment, toxic injection, or ingested drug helps women. It does not take away a woman's victimization, but can trap a woman in continuing abuse, encourage a perpetrator's recidivism, and prevent justice. 


Delivering a living child through Caesarian section (c-section) is safer, faster, and less traumatic for mothers than laboring to give birth to a dead child, or stretching her cervix prematurely to surgically remove a developing child, or to subject mothers to the very painful and potentially dangerous process of losing an early pregnancy. Miscarriage is traumatic for women; purposeful miscarriage is especially traumatic for women.  


10. What if it doesn't pass?


We keep putting it forward until it does pass. There has perhaps never been in the state of Colorado such a clear choice between life and death. We have only two choices, and each of us will have to decide which side we are on. Either we do nothing, and by our silence, condone killing children through birth as our law currently stands, or we act on the sanctity of every human life by working to protect every child equally. 


Many people have been praying to end killing children in our state, and there is no reason to doubt that God may be answering our prayers by giving us an opportunity to do something about it!


We are sending a message that not every Coloradan is ok with current law allowing children to be killed through birth! If everyone in the state who cares about the lives of children votes for this People's Initiative, it can pass!


We will each decide if we will participate in the deaths of children, or if we will "love our neighbor as ourselves" to help women and families avoid the unnecessary pain of participating in the death of a child.


In 2010, a prolife initiative received 500,000 votes. In 2020, a prolife initiative received 1.1 million votes. We need approximately 600,000 more votes to pass Equal Protection of Every Living Child. With an increase of 20% of churchgoers voting for life, it will pass. And we need at least 125,000 signatures (on official paper petitions) to get it onto the ballot.


Regardless of whether it passes, we are each responsible and will give an account to our Creator - and theirs - for our actions and our vote. It matters to God how we help, or don't help. And it matters to them. What will you do to help "the least of these"? (Matthew 25)


​11. Will it prosecute women?  


Only if they break the law. The most loving standard for women and men is given by God Himself: "Thou shalt not kill". The spiritual, physical, and emotional well-being of a woman is harmed when she participates in the death of her child, as are men, our communities, and our state. A doctor-performed death needs to be illegal, as any kind of child killing. Our children are equally valued by God, and to us. We promote justice by creating a just law. Equal Protection under the Law protects women and saves the lives of children and brings men to accountability for their actions. Killing a child has devastating, life-long consequences worth preventing. If we continue to legally allow women to kill children, then abortion clinics will stay open and abortion pills will continue to be mailed.


12. What will the opposition say?  


Those profiting from killing children will continue to mislead voters. It is our responsibility to educate voters. While we are aware of their tactics and the arguments they will use, we can't base what we do on what they will do or say. It is our job to speak the truth in love. 


There are many victims when we don't protect children. Everybody involved. That's why we need a hard stop. Whatever the public thinks, public opinion can change. And we can be the instruments to facilitate that change. We should never settle for, or compromise with, evil. Killing children at any age or stage of development is evil.


We must lead our state to do the right thing, regardless what the opposition says. Every mother deserves protection from the exploitation of abortion, and every child deserves protection from torture and death.


13. Why this wording? 


This initiative saves the lives of children (and protects their mothers) based on the United States Constitution, including the 14th Amendment, making it defendable before the Supreme Court. This initiative has been carefully reviewed by attorneys and doctors specializing in the respective fields of law and medicine.


14. Why a law?


Civilized societies create laws to protect people. Just laws are fair and apply to everyone. Seat belt laws protect people. We have laws against taking a gun and shooting people in the street or children in a school. Laws help inform that there is danger that we want to prevent people from experiencing. 


When something is legal, young people assume it is also safe, and if it is illegal it is unsafe. We know that killing children prior to birth is legal, but it is not safe. Traditionally, in the United States our laws have agreed with God's moral law. "Thou shalt not kill" has traditionally informed our laws.


15. How will this law be enforced?


"Equal Protection of All Living Children" creates a fair and just law so that we don't protect some children while allowing others to die. This initiative would protect women, children, and our society from the devastating effects of killing children any time prior to, during, or after birth. This initiative would eliminate surgically and chemically killing children and require that doctors do their best to protect the lives and health of all children and mothers. This initiative provides legal remedy for women to escape abusers and prevent revictimization. It encourages women to find safe community organizations committed to helping with resources, mentors, safe housing, and the gift of adoption, if desired. Abusers will no longer have a legal scapegoat to cover their actions and will be held accountable. â€‹This initiative applies existing laws protecting children who have already been born to those same children prior to birth.


16. What is the benefit of circulating petitions?


This initiative is educational for every circulator and person who signs it and can educate every registered voter in the state of Colorado when it goes onto the ballot.  This initiative is accurate, honest, moral, protective, and fair.


17. How does this stop abortion?


This initiative will put abortion clinics out of business, make it illegal for pharmacies to dispense abortion pills, and medical personnel will no longer be allowed to kill children, because children will be legally protected.


18. How does this help women?


While coercing a mother to abort her child is illegal, more than 61% of mothers experiencing abortion are being coerced directly by another individual, and most women feel societal pressure. If someone tries to perform an abortion on a woman, that person would be arrested - regardless of gender - and the mother would be given medical care or safety from her abuser coercing her. Not having access to abortion will take pressure off women agonizing with that decision. It will also help the 81% of women who suffer emotional trauma and the serious psychological after-effects of abortion and 100% of women who suffer spiritually from abortion.


19. Why should I support this?


If we believe in the sanctity of all human life, then we will create laws that value the sanctity of all human life. We have a moral responsibility to protect all children equally, not protect some children while allowing other children to die. Abortion is damaging to women, families, and communities, and painful and permanent for any child losing his/her life.   


We either agree with God that killing a child is murder and wrong (whether a man or woman is performing it), or it is not wrong to kill children created in the image of God. Children with only one life with faces and beating hearts who can feel pain are the most innocent and vulnerable among us and dependent on us to be human toward them. If we do nothing, we are by our silence condoning abortion through birth which is the current law in Colorado. Or, we have a unique opportunity to protect all living children from painfully losing their lives.  


20. How can I help? 





You may mail a check to:

Colorado Life Initiative

PO Box 3
Brush, CO 80723


We would love your support!   

Your Colorado Life Initiative Committee

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