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Baby Sleeping

Got a Heart?

It will take each of us doing our part.


We are the body of Christ mobilizing in prayer, education, and changing law to protect vulnerable children and their mothers in Colorado. â€‹


Changing Culture by Changing Law


"Behold, I am about to do something new;

even now it is coming. Do you not see it?

Indeed, I will make a way....

The people I formed for Myself

will declare My praise."

(Isaiah 43:18-21)



We know children have a heart, the question is, do we? The humanity of preborn children is not in question, rather our own. Jesus said, however we treat the "least of these" is how we are treating Him. He creates and loves children. We need hearts like Christ to love them, too.


Children are currently unprotected all nine months of pregnancy in Colorado. They are legally tortured to death through poison, dismemberment, scalding, stabbing, and starvation.


​The Colorado Life Initiative is a grassroots movement of God among His people answering the call to be His hands and feet. 


Ways to get involved: 


1) Pray

This is a spiritual battle. Please pray and invite others to pray against abortion and repentance for our state. (Hebrews 4:12-16)


2) Educate

If each of us educates those in front of us, we can educate the entire state! You may share any of our materials. You may also wish to form a group specifically to pray and educate those in your community.


3) Mobilize For Life

Our goal is to put forward a people's ballot initiative to protect all living children every election cycle until the abortion holocaust is ended. A people's ballot initiative puts our compassion into law. When abortion becomes illegal, it also becomes unthinkable! 


Please join efforts across Colorado to pray, educate, and mobilize for Life!


​We are proactively working to change the law in Colorado to protect children.​ We invite all churches and any like-minded individuals and organizations to join us!


Because every child deserves a birthday. And every child is worth saving.


Colorado Life Initiative

Join Us in Protecting Innocent Children and Caring for their Mothers

PO Box 3, Brush, Colorado 80723

©2021 by Colorado Initiative Committee. Made with

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