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Baby Sleeping

Got a Heart?

Vote NO #79 that puts killing children into our Constitution!


Learn more


Changing Culture by Changing Law


"Behold, I am about to do something new;

even now it is coming. Do you not see it?

Indeed, I will make a way....

The people I formed for Myself

will declare My praise."

(Isaiah 43:18-21)


*This is an Official Paper Petition that must be signed in-person to get on the ballot. Official Paper Petitions will be circulated during the 2025-2026 election cycle. 


We know children have a heart, the question is, do we? 


Children are currently unprotected all nine months of pregnancy in Colorado. They are legally tortured to death through poison, dismemberment, scalding, stabbing, and starvation.


​The Colorado Life Initiative is a grassroots movement of God among His people called to be His hands and feet to pray, educate, and mobilize communities For Life! 


Ways you can be involved: 


1) Pray

This is a spiritual battle. Please invite others to pray against abortion and repentance for our state. (Hebrews 4:12-16)


2) Educate

If each of us educates those in front of us, we can educate the entire state! You may share any of our materials. You may also wish to form a group specifically to pray and educate those in your community.


3) Mobilize For Life

Our goal is to put forward a people's ballot initiative to protect all living children every election cycle until the abortion holocaust is ended. A people's ballot initiative puts our compassion into law. When abortion becomes illegal, it also becomes unthinkable! 


Please join efforts across Colorado to pray, educate, and mobilize for Life!


​We are proactively working to change the law in Colorado to protect children from intentional death beginning at conception.​ We invite all churches and any like-minded individuals and organizations to join us!

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