Results By County on Abortion Amendment 79
Action Steps
Action steps every individual, group, and church can do to save lives!
1. Pray repentance for our state and protection of these preborn infants.
2. Educate your congregation about the humanity of preborn children, the truth about abortion*, and the non-violent resources available to mothers. Abortion causes unnecessary pain and suffering. Abortion is not healthcare and not necessary.
3. Mobilize churchgoers and your community to register to vote and to vote Biblically. Here is a Church Toolkit to help mobilize your community.
Register churchgoers to vote: (click here).
Current abortion law in Colorado violates a child's right to live. It is an unjust law against God's command, "thou shalt not kill (murder innocent human beings)". God judges nations for unjust laws. Colorado law prevents parental involvement, shields abortionists breaking the law, and removes any safeguards for women or underage girls sex trafficked, coerced, or abused, giving lawmakers the ability to steal from taxpayers to pay for elective abortions to which we morally oppose. With your help, we can change the law in Colorado. But we need your help! Please volunteer and donate today!​
*Risks from abortion (both chemical and surgical) include hemorrhage, infection, infertility, and death. 81% of women experience psychological issues following an abortion including suicidal tendencies, depression, anxiety, rage, and chemical dependence. An Independent study has shown that at least 1 in 7 women visit an emergency room following an abortion. Abortionists report that 1 in 25 women visit an emergency room following an abortion.
*Abortion and mental health: quantitative synthesis and analysis of research 1995–2009, Cambridge University Press: 02 January 2018..
**A Longitudinal Cohort Study of Emergency Room Utilization Following Mifepristone Chemical and Surgical Abortions, 1999–2015, National Library of Medicine, 09 November 2021..
***Incidence of Emergency Department Visits and Complications After Abortion, citing reported billing to Medicaid of California 2009-2010, ACOG, January 2015.