It's no surprise that abortionists who kill sweet little innocent infants also lie about it. So, here are some brief talking points to help you confront the lies with truth. Of course, asking questions and listening are powerful tools. But when it's time to speak, here are some pointers from my Co-Proponent, Angela Eicher, who works in the healthcare industry. We pray God brings to mind exactly what you need to say in the moment you need to say it. (Luke 12:11-12)
From Angela Eicher:
Healthcare refers parents to resources they need to keep themselves and their children healthy and safe.
Healthcare saves the life of a pregnant mother when her life is in danger and also works to save the life of her preborn child. It treats her child with utmost care and dignity if the child must be removed from the womb. It honors the life of this child even if they are too young to survive long and if this is the case, healthcare helps the mother work through the grief of losing her child.
Healthcare utilizes baby hospice for children who are expected to have short lives, so they may feel welcome and comfortable during their lives and their families will be supported in enjoying and cherishing whatever time they have with their child and also in their grief when and if their child dies.
Healthcare offers care and resources to a rape victim so she and her child will thrive and offers the gift of adoption if the mother desires. Healthcare breaks the cycle of violence on innocent victims in cases of rape and responds to the victim and her child with love.
Healthcare removes a child who has already died and no longer has a heartbeat due to miscarriage.
Healthcare affirms a woman's reproductive right to create a child and continue her pregnancy.