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Faye Barnhart
Sep 16, 20241 min read
City Councilwoman Exposes that Abortionists Don't Care about Women
So I've typically given the benefit of the doubt that most abortionists care about women, though misguided. But when Councilwoman Regina...
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Faye Barnhart
Sep 16, 20243 min read
How Modern Adoption Saves Lives
Through modern adoption, a mother may choose parents to raise her baby, how involved she'd like to be in her child's life, and how she'd...
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Faye Barnhart
Sep 16, 20243 min read
What about a Woman's Bodily Autonomy?
Every woman should make decisions about her own body. Every woman should have a choice of what goes into her body. Once a child is...
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Faye Barnhart
Aug 31, 20246 min read
The Difference Between Abortion & Miscarriage
Trigger alert. The following content is for mature audiences only. "Abortion" is the premature termination of a pregnancy. Every...
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Faye Barnhart
Aug 30, 20242 min read
Healthcare without Elective Abortion
It's no surprise that abortionists who kill sweet little innocent infants also lie about it. So, here are some brief talking points to...
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Faye Barnhart
Aug 30, 20246 min read
We cannot Fail this Test - Examples of Heroes
"Then the King will answer, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for Me.’" (Matthew...
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Faye Barnhart
Aug 24, 20243 min read
Speaking the Truth - Churches & 501c3's
In Russia, the government started to pay the pastors' salaries. What a relief not to rely on the gifts of the congregation! But then the...
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Faye Barnhart
Aug 23, 20244 min read
ending the mutilation of children
Child sacrifice is unacceptable at any age or any stage. Children should not be sacrificed for political career, popularity, pride,...
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Faye Barnhart
Aug 22, 202411 min read
The Law, Your Rights, and Why it Matters?
Many people, even politicians creating or trying to change law, have given little thought to the purpose of law or what it actually does....
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Faye Barnhart
Aug 16, 20245 min read
How speaking truth is like farming?
"Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows." (Galatians 6:7) My husband is a farmer. There's a lot that goes...
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Faye Barnhart
Aug 13, 202410 min read
What does God say about unity?
It depends who we are unifying with whether it is for good or evil. Unity with the wrong people can be harmful. " Do not be deceived:...
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Faye Barnhart
Aug 3, 20242 min read
Every Child is Worth Saving
The choice between life and death, blessings and curses, whether to end child sacrifice or allow babies to continue to be tortured to...
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Faye Barnhart
Jul 9, 20244 min read
How many children is it alright to sacrifice to win an election? What about 'exceptions' to abortion?
As the Republican Party considers changes to its historically prolife platform, many politicians and political organizations condone and...
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Faye Barnhart
Jul 1, 20245 min read
With Liberty and Justice for All
"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible...
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Faye Barnhart
Jun 30, 20246 min read
What about 'exceptions'?
Many politicians and political organizations condone and encourage child sacrifice as the 'only way' to help a political career, "win"...
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Faye Barnhart
Jun 23, 20243 min read
Two-Year Anniversary Overturn of Roe
It's been two years since the seemingly impossible happened with the overturn of Roe v Wade in the Dobbs decision. Taking a similar...
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Faye Barnhart
Jun 16, 20243 min read
Why Abortion is Also a Man's Issue
Protecting mothers and children has always been a man's issue! Getting the church, pastors, and men out-of-the-way is the only way the...
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Faye Barnhart
Jun 12, 20246 min read
Why No Amount of Abortion is Ever Enough?
We know that the multi-billion-dollar abortion industry makes its money from abortion, so we can follow the money. We know that taking...
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Faye Barnhart
Jun 7, 20246 min read
Silent Tears: A woman's personal story of abortion
I feel a child crying…tears that are never heard Helpless…. waiting…. in anticipation Baby showers, dirty diapers, first smile, first...
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Faye Barnhart
Jun 6, 20242 min read
Reflections from Memorial Day
What does Memorial Day have to do with children? As heroes for this country laid down their lives, we must also be brave to keep our...
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